
2024 Savannah-Chatham Day in Atlanta

January 31, 2024 5:00 pm - February 1, 2024 12:00 pm
Atlanta, Ga
$225 members only
Jared Downs
Join us in Atlanta for Savannah-Chatham Day, a two-day event featuring a legislative oyster roast and listening sessions with state and regional leaders.
On Wednesday, January 31, Chamber members will have the opportunity to network with Georgia’s elected officials along with friends and colleagues from the coast at an oyster roast and Low Country boil at the Georgia Freight Depot. This event has become the most anticipated in the legislative calendar, and the Wednesday date will ensure legislators from across the state remain in Atlanta and attend.
On Thursday, February 1, Chamber members are invited to listening sessions with state agency leaders, statewide elected officials and Georgia Legislators.
This is a great opportunity to learn about the latest legislative issues affecting the state and Savannah-Chatham County and to make your voice heard directly to these officials.

This event is exclusive to Chamber members and sells out every year, so purchase your tickets today!

Online Registration for this Event is now closed, for more information contact Jared Downs
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