Published on: Nov. 2, 2020
Have Your Brand in Virtual Race Bags for Publix and Enmarket Virtual Races

The Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon & 5K and the Enmarket Savannah Bridge Run have both gone virtual for 2020. Now is the chance to showcase your brand to our more than 1,500 virtual runners. There are two options to maximize your exposure to:

  • The virtual gift bag will allow you to place an ad or coupon into the virtual race bag which typically receives around 10,0000 views on-line.
  • A physical item to place in the race-day packets that will be mailed to all virtual runners. This can be a flyer, coupon, or a small promotional item. Please note, that all items are subject to Savannah Sports Council approval. Total items needed will be around 1,000 for each event.

You may choose one option for $100 per race or both for $175 per race. For more information, please email Rob Wells.

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